The all-in-one solution for the detection of incontinence episodes and motion monitoring.
As a nursing service manager, it makes sense to use such a system in any case. We always have our patients on the screen, which makes our work easier and can certainly save costs.Roswitha Waldhaus, MBA
Management and nursing service management
Improve the quality of care
I want to take the best possible care
Nursing homes make an immensely important contribution to our society. They take care of people who are dependent on the help of others. Every day the nursing staff has to face new tasks, hurdles and challenges. In addition, a small number of employees take care of many people who need individual attention. We support with the fast and individual care of people suffering from incontinence or need special attention due to movement restrictions. Therefore, the quality of care itself and the life quality of affected people increases. It is in the nature of things that every nursing home wants to offer the best quality of care. They want to enable the elderly to age in dignity and health. With the help of the DigniSens system they come a step closer to this claim.
Increase safety & relieve carers
No one is forgotten
Carers do superhuman things - every day and every night. The physical and psychological strain is enormous, especially when checking routines collide with acute care cases. Nobody should be overlooked and nobody should be left alone. DigniSens monitoring relieves the nursing staff by eliminating the need for stressful checking routines. In other words, the device checks the status of a person in need of care. Therefore the personal checks for incontinence episodes may be omitted . The nursing staff can concentrate on other important tasks. And if a conspicuous movement gets detected, the system automatically alarms, so nobody (especially at night) is left on their own.
Minimize costs & profit economically
We reduce follow-up costs
Overlooked incontinence products, overburdened nurses and the consequences of the lack of support in case of getting up at night have far-reaching financial and personal implications. Feelings of guilt of the nursing staff go hand in hand with follow-up costs for medication. For the nursing staff, the well-being of the people is the first priority. As a result, the first thing you feel is guilt if something happens.
In addition, immense follow-up costs can also arise. Skin infections, medical treatment and hospitalizations due to night-time accidents are a significant cost factor. For both nursing homes and the health insurance companies, for instance. DigniSens will counteract exactly here cost-generating factors and thus create an enormous financial relief.
Do you run or work in a nursing home and can you identify with these challenges? Get in touch with us and benefit from our unique solution!